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Chongqing evening paper: Sichuan receives first golden week 2000 Chongqing pers
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The Sichuan after the earthquake received first golden week. The reporter does know from holiday of the Chengdu City yesterday, according to not complete count, person of 100 thousand Chongqing evens more to travel to Chengdu during National Day, become the main force of the travel after Sichuan earthquake.

The reporter sees in area of scene of hill of high mountain eyebrow yesterday, dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland the temple jockeys level ground already the car is completely suffer from, it is car of change word head for the most part. Scene area respect says, 3 days of tourists that will swarm into hill of high mountain eyebrow exceed 100 thousand person-time, recieved a quantity to exceed last year level of 7 days, drive oneself among them the tourist is close half.

"Ass of our return Sichuan goes, pay close attention to and assist be pair of disaster area people likewise! " plan plan says chief of website of space of friend of our city famous ass, ass friend. Friend of our city ass gives more than 60 line of travel during reporter statistic National Day, plain on the west directional get warm again after a cold spell, hold half the number.

Examine friend of friendly space of our city ass, ass the ass of course of study of a few three-year institution of higher learning such as commune and asinine travel the world is friendly the ass of website hang out goes circuit, dang Ling, health calm, the lid that be like Er plain on the west directional circuitry more than 20, with post ass friend numerous. It is reported, after shake of earth of plain of short of Wenshui River will happen this year in May, chongqing ass friend goes National Day quickly travel target Suo Dingchuan on the west, the hope gives a view that discovers more is new through his, help heavy Zhen Chuan travels on the west, cause the people of the whole country to continue to Sichuan more attention. Because pass,mirror beautiful the path that enters direction of plain of short of Wenshui River still goes hard, asinine friend chooses to be entered from direction of Kang Dinghe Pingwu more.

According to not complete count, chongqing is headed for during National Day plain the asinine friend on the west exceeds 2000 people, prep above comes nearly 4 years total number.